Art Making Through the Pandemic

Life as an artist comes with some interesting cultural baggage to sort through. Those who choose to follow an inner calling to get creative are faced with many questions along the way that dance between the worlds of the practical, philosophical, existential, even spiritual if one should so choose. Trivia along the Artist’s journey varies,…

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Intangible Wonder

My love for you growsknowing I’ll never know ALL of you,never see or understand it all,never fully capture your majesty;you were designed for no such purpose. There’s both comfortand a nervousnessin recognizing theboundless inconceivability of Nature;I find it a perfect place to practiceletting go. My best days are spentdrifting in a state of intermittent bliss,kissing…

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Studio Space

Have you ever stopped to ask: How does the SPACE you’re creating in effect your energy, productivity, focus, and wellbeing? How might your mental and emotional state in that space be effecting you generally, and more specifically, the work produced therein? How is the space you’re in effecting you? I got to thinking about the…

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Lobsters In the Woods

I’ve been fascinated with the Fungi world for as far back as I can remember. Growing up on a large wooded hilltop in Northern California, I spent more time exploring the woods in our 40 acre back yard with my older brother than we ever did in front of TV or computer screens. To this…

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Play with it.

Surprise, life is more fun and enjoyable when you play with it! I need refreshers on this lesson often and have made it a point to sprinkle my life with reminders so as not to take things too seriously. My dogo is great for this, as well as many playful people I love, and gotta…

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